💸 How to calculate the price of your device

Last updated Aug 30, 2024

Thinking of selling your previous tech device? Great news!

Rolle will help with all the steps, making the process easy and safe while also providing buyers with the necessary confidence about the actual condition of your device through the inspection at the Rolle hub. But sometimes that alone isn’t enough – price plays a crucial role in a successful sale. The right price will allow you to earn the maximum for your device but will also attract the buyer’s interest. Here are some tips to help you calculate the selling price:

What is its price today?

Start by doing a little research on the current retail price of your device to get an initial idea of what your tech is really worth. Rolle’s advice to increase the chances of selling your device is to set the selling price at least 25% lower than the purchase price of the device when new.

Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes:

We all know that devices lose value over time. But how? The main factors affecting value are:

👴🏻Device age
✨External condition
📈Availability and demand in the market

Learn from the competition:

Check what prices other sellers have set for similar devices on Rolle. This way you’ll better understand what buyers are willing to pay.

Set your price, but don’t get stuck!

After you’ve set the selling price and your listing has been live for a few days, see how many views and favorites it has. If it hasn’t attracted buyers’ interest, gradually lower the price to achieve the sale of the device.

Taking all of the above into account, you’re very close to creating the perfect listing. Our advice after this? Sit back and relax! Rolle is here to make every transaction easy and safe for you, from start to finish 🛼.