✅ Becoming PRO Seller

Last updated Feb 15, 2024

Ready to level up to a PRO Seller on Rolle? 🌟 It’s super easy – just follow these steps:

  • Fill Out Your Personal Info: Jump into your profile and add all the essentials. We’re talking name, date of birth, and your address (all your personal info remain private and not visible to other members of the Rolle community. Only your username, profile pic and city are visible to others) It’s all about setting the stage for your awesome seller profile 👤.
  • Connect Your Social Media: Link up at least two of your social media accounts to your Rolle account. Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Google, X, LinkedIn or Apple this helps add trust to your profile 🌐🤝.
  • Provide a Valid IBAN: This one’s important! Make sure you give us a valid IBAN. It’s all about ensuring those successful sale payouts flow smoothly directly to your bank account 💳💰.

And voilà! Once you’ve ticked off these steps, you’ll earn your very own PRO Seller checkmark. This little gem will pop up right next to your profile image, as a sign of trust and reliability to all potential buyers 🙌✨.

Becoming a PRO Seller in the world of Rolle shows buyers you’re trustworthy and ready to roll out some amazing sales. Let’s do this! 💪🚀