🍪⚙️ Cookie Settings

Last updated Aug 28, 2023

Why do we use cookies?

Simply put, cookies help us make Rolle roll! They’re behind-the-scenes ninjas that remember your settings, keep you logged in, and even help us understand what features to build next. In short, they’re the unsung heroes that make your experience on Rolle smoother.

How do you manage them?

If you’re like us and love all cookies, you can click “Accept All,” and we promise we’ll use them responsibly. If you’re more the picky eater type, head to “Settings” to pick and choose like it’s a cookie buffet. You can also withdraw your consent anytime, but beware: rejecting cookies may result in a less personalized (and less fabulous) experience.

Still Curious?

For the cookie connoisseurs who want all the nitty-gritty details, check out our full-blown Cookie Policy.

So, go ahead, set your cookie preferences and make Rolle your own kind of wonderful. 🌊 🍪