🚫 Γιατί έχει μπλοκαριστεί ο λογαριασμός μου?

Τελευταία ενημέρωση Nov 19, 2023

So, sometimes things can go wrong on our platform. If you don’t follow our rules, you might get temporarily blocked. Bummer, right?

The good news is, we’ll unblock your account if it was a mistake on our end. We’re not perfect, after all.

Here are some reasons why we might temporarily block you:

  • Being a total j*rk to other members or our team (no one likes bullies)
  • Spamming our support team (they’re humans, too)
  • Selling fake items or things you’re not supposed to (not cool, man)
  • Trying to do transactions outside of our payment system (we need to keep things secure)

If you’re blocked for good, though, you can still check on your orders and contact us to see if there’s any way we can help. We’ll let you know if anything changes.

However, if you’ve done some really bad stuff, we might have to say goodbye for good. Here are some reasons why we might have to give you the boot:

  • Selling illegal stuff (just don’t do it)
  • Scamming other members (not cool at all)
  • Having multiple accounts (one is enough, really)
  • Being a repeat offender (don’t make us go through this again)
  • Selling fake items (seriously, don’t do it)
  • Being inappropriate or posting inappropriate pictures (keep it PG, please)
  • Ignoring our team’s messages (we’re here to help!)
  • Not following our guidelines for a smooth transaction (let’s make this easy for everyone)

If you can’t log in to your Rolle account for any reason, just reach out to our support team and we’ll do our best to help you out.

One more thing – we’re not here to ruin your day. We’ll always try to work things out in a friendly way. And if we do have to block you, we’ll let you know why. Deal? 🎉🌟👥🌈📲